What We Do


Our team has developed a Process to meet you where you are. This process helps us address each of your Plan Components that give some structure to our Journey together.


Engage and Understand

We begin with getting to know you. We learn what is important to you, what concerns you may have and your goals. We will request information that will help us understand your personal, family, and financial situation. We want to understand where you are now AND where you want to be in the future.


Analyze and Plan

We will incorporate all that we have learned about you and determine appropriate solutions to develop a comprehensive wealth management plan that will serve as a guide.


Recommend and Implement

We will work with you and the appropriate service providers to implement the solutions and/or actionable steps that you agree to as you begin, or continue, the journey of pursuing and working towards your goals.


Investment Strategy

We customize each client’s portfolio specifically to address their objectives. We know that each client is unique thus we work to create a portfolio that is tailored specifically for him/her. Different strategies and vehicles can be used to build a portfolio that reflects investor risk appetite, time horizon, and near- and long-term objectives. Our investment themes are derived in-house and we are not afraid to “go against the herd”. We use a variety of securities including individual stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, etc. Portfolios are designed with a long term focus yet we believe there are times when the best offense is a good defense.


Review and Monitor

At any given time, your plan is a snapshot in time with a desired destination. However, we understand that life is about more than that…it is a journey…it is dynamic! There are “triggering events” that can affect your life and potentially alter your path. Our system of planning is dynamic by design to help you plan for the unexpected, recognize and anticipate any changes, and adjust your plans as necessary.

One of our primary goals is to develop a long-term, trusting relationship with you.

Wealth Management Plan Components

  • Income Management- Based on your sources of income, do you spend according to your plan? Have you carved-out sufficient cash to meet potential “emergency” situations, or short-term expenses? Have you developed a multi-year cash forecast and identified sources of funding? Do you have disposable income to contribute to your Long-Term Portfolio? Do you understand all of your employee benefits and how they impact your income? Have you used all reasonable means to reduce your taxes?

  • Investment Planning- Is your asset allocation appropriate, taking into account your risk tolerance, time horizon, and desired long-term rate of return? How did your actual rate of return compare with the expected rate of return? Does your portfolio need to be modified due to changes in short/long term goals? Has your portfolio been rebalanced according to your investment plan? Is your portfolio tax efficient?

  • Asset Protection- Have you protected yourself against catastrophic loss due to liability issues, property losses, disability, and long-term care? Do you have an adequate amount of life insurance and is it the appropriate type? Are your business interests adequately covered?

  • Debt Management- Do you have reasonable debt and at the best available rates and terms? Is your debt tax efficient?

  • Estate Planning- Do you have, or need, necessary legal planning documents, such as a Will, Power of Attorney, Directives to Physician, Medical Power of Attorney, Medical Release and Authority (HIPPA), etc.? Does your will match your transfer wishes? Are your assets titled correctly? Do beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and/or life insurance policies match your transfer wishes? Have you established and funded any necessary trusts and maintained the required documentation?

Your Road Map In Working Towards Success

We Strive To Map Out A Better Path For Each Of Our Clients Specific Needs.

We Strive To Map Out A Better Path For Each Of Our Clients Specific Needs.

Your Road Map In Working Towards Success